The workshop focused on harnessing the collective experiences of the different organizations to identify key priorities in their activities, explore possibilities for program collaboration, and to develop strategies raising livestock awareness at the producer, ministerial, and donor levels.
The presentations, discussions, and conclusions reached by the participants resulted in prioritization of specific areas for livestock-related program activities and commitments to advocate strongly on their behalf.
Several workshop-related documents are available for download:
1. Synthesizing Research and Program Activity in Afghanistan's Livestock Sector, distributed prior to the Livestock Workshop. Sincere thanks go to Euan Thomson and John Woodford for their helpful comments and input.
2. Livestock Workshop Summary Report, spelling out the main conclusions and strategies for advocacy.
3. Livestock Workshop Full Report, presenting in greater detail the elements of each day's events and discussions. The full report includes references to the following presentations:
- Euan Thomson, An Overview of the Livestock Sector and Livestock Marketing in Afghanistan (2MB)
- Dave Sherman, Animal Health Care in Afghanistan (7 MB)
- Mesbah Motamed, State of Program Activity in Afghanistan's Livestock Sector (2MB)
At the workshop, this weblog was announced as an additional tool for livestock development participants to communicate among each other, announce news, and share your ideas and progress. Check back often to see what developments have occured in the livestock arena. And please don't hesitate to forward me any information you'd like to be posted on this weblog as well as suggestions for improving its functionality and usefulness.
Mesbah Motamed